Work with Streetkids - HopeforkidsNepal_en

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Work with Streetkids

Our work
Team "streetkids":
Streets are where we started our ministry even before we decided to support kids in local orphanages. There are kids living in the streets of Kathmandu and we are trying to share love with them, give them some food and medical care. It´s difficult because usually after some time kids are roaming around Kathmandu and we usually lost conctact with them. That´s why we would love to have a center in the future, where we can bring kids and they can always find a help there.

It´s very difficult to see abandon kids living in the streets where usually no one cares about them. Few weeks or months after they come to Kathmandu usually from rural villages they end in a gang and inhaling glue. They are coming to the city with hope of better life but they are ignored, chased away by locals, and are living in despair.
We are helping as much as we can.

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